Put recycling collection containers in your bathroom. Virtually everything you throw away in there is recyclable, but if you're like most people, you might forget to move those items to your recycling collection container. Recyclables from the bathroom include shampoo bottles, eye care solution bottles, boxes from toothpaste, bandages and soap, cardboard backings attached to new make-up products, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, empty hairspray and sunscreen cans, jars from lotions and cremes, and of course, those magazines piling up by your commode area! Visit this Johnson & Johnson website for more information about recycling in the bathroom.
Ditto for the laundry area. Capture detergent bottles, dryer sheet boxes, paper towel tubes, empty cleanser canisters, empty room spray cans, and more. As long as it did not contain hazardous waste, it is recyclable.
Open your mail over your recycling cart. The sad truth is that most of us throw away 80% of our mail immediately—a lot of it unopened. Most of the remainder will also be tossed within a month. To reduce junk mail, click here. For the items that do hit your mailbox, realize that 99.9% can be recycled. Only padded envelopes and mailers with plastic wrap or sheeting cannot be recycled.
Learn more about what can and cannot be recycled, and then pass that information on to others. Once you know, you throw! Most of our neighbors are surprised at the number of items that can be recycled, but once they learn, they see how easy it is to participate. Click here for our Recycling Quick Reference Guide.
Learn how to stage items. Staging is the collection and preparation of used items over time in order for them to be disposed of properly. Staging recyclables for weekly collection could be as easy as tossing them in your cart. Staging other forms of waste, can also be easy. Click here for more information.