The object of recycling is to turn our trash into raw materials for manufacturers. Doing this requires that we pull the right kinds of waste out of our community's waste stream and send it through the recycling process. Almost half of all waste produced in the United States is the "right kind", including up to 85% of typical household waste.

Yet, what is "right" to recycle is still very much a local issue, and we understand that can be confusing.  As the recycling industry matures we will see more consistency. For now, it is not uncommon to be able to put one type of material into recycling in one City, only to have the same material rejected in another. It is important for you to know the recycling guidelines for Fort Lauderdale.  

We are continually working with our processor to expand the number of items that can be recycled here, and we are lucky to be part of a metropolitan region that offers many options for recycling the items that cannot go into our City's carts or containers. We ask that all neighbors familiarize themselves with our guidelines.  

This section teaches you how to recycle cleanly in Fort Lauderdale, and introduces the recycling services provided by the City. Please refer to our GYR Waste Directory for options beyond local recycling.